Split labels#

Dialog for the split labels module.



Only one instance can be split at a time. All points aside from the first one will be ignored and deleted unless Use points as markers (below) is checked.

labels layer: The napari labels layer for which to apply operations.

points layers: The napari points layer used to select instance for splitting.

Minimum Distance: Minimum distance from the boundary of the instance for a pixel/voxel to be included in a watershed marker.

Use points as markers: If checked, minimum distance will be ignored and the watershed transform will treat each point as a marker.

Apply in 3D: Whether to apply the split operation within the an entire 3D labelmap. Generally should be checked when proofreading 3D segmentations and unchecked when proofreading a stack of 2D segmentations (for example, leave it unchecked when proofreading the output of 2D Batch Mode inference).

Specify new label IDs (Optional)#

Specify new label IDs: Check if working with a small patch from a larger image.

Start new label IDs from: Specify where you would like the new label IDs to start from.


In-place splits the selected label in the labels layer.


Split Labels Module Demo